Monday, April 27, 2009

The Bird Box Class
Before Creative Hands

The Bird Box Class

The Bird Box class was a hit! Everyone said this was their favorite of Candy's classes and they should know. Most of them have taken all of them! Even though everyone was using the same elements in their boxes, they all turned out so differently; definitely fitting everyone's individual style and personality. Even the colors of the boxes themselves ranged from teal greens to robin's egg blue. From the vintaged laces, the optical lenses to the beautiful bird and egg papers, everyone's boxes were a true work of art! Thank you, Candy for a wonderful "Creativity is Contagious" day!!


  1. It looked like it was so much fun!

  2. Looks like it was a lot of fun! Glad to see you have started a blog ~ wishing you blessings, Katie

  3. what a fun project to complete especially with a group of ladies! :)
